SETTLE automates your payments and ​manages all your bank accounts in one place ​for better cashflow decisions with live ERP ​updates


Mostafa Mobarak & Kamil ​Sayour decided to launch ​SETTLE - a B2B payments ​platform - after experiencing ​significant manual financial ​operations challenges in their ​first business which they ​founded together 10 years ​ago !

  • B.Sc. in Electronics ​Engineering, AUC
  • MBA from the Wharton ​Business School, USA
  • 1 year in IBM
  • 1 year in CBE
  • 3 years in McKinsey & Co
  • 10 years as a founding ​Partner in Solera
  • B.Sc. in Electronics ​Engineering, AUC
  • 6 years in IBM
  • 3 years in McKinsey & ​Co
  • 10 years as a founding ​Partner in Solera

SETTLE’s full-time team

Tech team

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Majid Hassan

Head of Engineering

Dalia Marzouk

Tech lead – Backend

Shady AbdelHamid

Tech lead – Frontend

Ahmed Affan

Backend Engineer

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AbdelRahman Alaa

Backend Engineer

Sofyan Mahmoud

Backend Engineer

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Omar Salem

Frontend Engineer

Business team

Marina Ehab

HR Manager

Mohamed Gamal

Senior Business Developer

Monica Medhat

Senior Business Developer

Our investors

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